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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Bela Diri Pemerintah Ttg Buruknya Manajemen Bencana

YOGYAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said comments and criticisms were needed but without contributions they would not settle problems.

"Therefore, National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) personnel, regional and local governments, the military (TNI) and the police must all focus on the implementation of their tasks, with all their might, be responsive, responsible and find the right solutions to the problems," he said here on Saturday.
He made the statement when opening a limited cabinet meeting on emergency response to the Mount Merapi disaster at the presidential palace in Yogyakarta. President Yudhoyono was in Yogyakarta, which is about 35 kilometers south of Mount Merapi, to closely monitor Merapi disaster management.

Yudhoyono said he had assigned BNPB to command the Merapi disaster emergency response operations and asked the coordinating minister for people’s welfare to be the central government’s coordinator to ensure the swift and effective distribution of relief aid for the victims.
"I hope the functions would work well. I am here to give moral support  and share the pain of the people of Central Java and Yogyakarta and directly monitor the situation in the field. In case I have to take a correct and quick decision I could do it immediately cutting the bureaucracy and reporting time. A decision is often needed in the field in an emergency situation," he said.
President Yudhoyono also asked officials to focus on their tasks in the field. "Do not find me when you are on duty but go to the field more often to meet with the people. I am already self-reliant with all the team available. So I need no other services," he said.
According to him, the decisions and instructions to deal with the impact of Merapi eruptions had been given last Friday and so no other instructions were needed, except if they wished to report that what  they had been told to at national or regional levels had really been carried out.
"I landed in Semarang (Central Java) last night and spent the night in Magelang (Central Java). We have been consolidating and monitoring the developments and received reports from BNPB chief and other officials in Magelang on Saturday morning," he said. He added he later proceeded to Yogyakarta through Purworejo.

"What I heard and personally saw was that part of what I have instructed had been carried out but some other part are still being carried out and some other still had yet to be done. I understand that in crisis and emergency problems often become complicated, dynamic and complex so that the solutions cannot be found all at once. I could understand it. That is how a disaster is dealt with and emergency response is done in the country as well as other countries from year to year," he said.
President Yudhoyono said what was important was that all parties including central and regional officials were all responsible in carrying out their duties, responsive and willing to go to the field and finding solutions. The meeting was attended by ministers concerned with disaster management such as coordinating minister for people’s welfare Agung Laksono, coordinating minister for political, security and legal affairs Djoko Suyanto and coordinating minister for economic affairs Hatta Rajasa (http://lipsus.kompas.com/merapimeletus/read/2010/11/07/08341152/How.SBY.Considers.Criticisms.over.Disaster.Management)

Komentar saya tentang artikel berita di atas:
Pak Beye rupanya masih menggunakan teknik klasik propaganda: Card-Stacking untuk mengkonter tudingan terhadap dirinya yang dianggap gagal dalam tata kelola bencana di 3 di wilayah bencana saat ini, Wasior, Mentawai dan Mentawai.Card Stacking, sebagaimana yang dirumuskan oleh Institute for Propaganda Analysis (IPA) adalah, sebuah teknik yang:

It involves only presenting information that is positive to an idea or proposal and omitting information contrary to it. Card stacking is used in almost all forms of propaganda, and is extremely effective in convincing the public. Although the majority of information presented by the card stacking approach is true, it is dangerous because it omits important information"

Pemerintah sebagai pengemban kekuasaan eksekutif tertinggi adalah pihak yang bertanggungjawab penuh dalam penanganan bencana, di mana pun itu terjadi di wilayah hukum RI. alih-alih berusaha secepat mungkin dengan mengerahkan sumber daya yang paling maksimal ke daerah-daerah bencana, pemerintah terkesan kuat bergerak lamban, penuh keraguan dan bahkan sialnya, melakukan banyak miskordinasi dan miskomunikasi di tataran operasional. Kondisi ini menyebabkan penanganan bencana menjadi tidak terkoordinasi dengan baik dan pada akhirnya masyarakat yang terkena musibah terlambat menerima bantuan. Konsekuensi logisnya: menambah penderitaan mereka.
Hebatnya, pemerintah, seperti biasanya, memasang jurus berkelit yang "lebay": bersilat lidah untuk membela diri serta pada saat yang sama menunjuk 'hidung' pihak lain di bawahnya sebagai biang kerok permasalahan mismanajemen pemberian bantuan kepada pihak yang membutuhkan. Dari artikel berita di atas yang saya cantumkan secara penuh, SBY misalnya malah menyalahkan instansi BNPB dan pada saat yang sama masih sempat-sempatnya bersilat lidah dengan tutur kata yang amat manis. Luar biasa. Mengherankan sekaligus menggelikan.
Akhirnya, konklusi reflektif penutup saya untuk topik di atas adalah: eksekutif yang dipilih secara langsung oleh rakyatnya, bahkan dengan margin suara yang sangat besar, rupanya tidak menjamin dia akan benar-benar mampu menjadi tumpuan harapan pemilihnya bahkan di saat yang paling kritis seperti saat bencana melanda. Sungguh sayang.

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